Frequently Ask Questions
Are the products authentic?
All the Exubuy products are imported from the United States. All products are sourced directly from the brand itself.
What are the top branded products you offer?
We directly import top branded beauty products from the United States of America. Top brands include, Anastasia Beverly Hills, M.A.C, Urban Decay, Clinique, and much more.
How do I contact about a certain product?
You can contact us using the form on You can also Email or Whatsapp us.
Whatsapp: +1-631-816-6670
How do I place order at
You can place your order in a few simple steps
1. Add to Cart
2. Sign In/ Sign Up with
3. Place order
4. Confirmation
Can I use my Master/VISA/American Express card to purchase your products from your website?
Yes, you can.
Can I bkash the amount to purchase my desire product from the website?
Yes, you can.
Bkash number: 01739-006862. You must bkash the full amount of your desire product with bkash fee & product delivery fee.
What is the product Delivery time?
Inside Dhaka product will be delivered within 12-48 hours. Outside of Dhaka City product delivery could take upto three business days.
What is your delivery fee inside Dhaka?
60 taka
Do you deliver outside Dhaka? What’s the delivery fee for outside Dhaka? Which deliver service do you use?
Yes, we do deliver outside Dhaka. We use Shundarban Courier Service/ S.A. Paribahan Courier Service.
For Shundarban Courier Service our delivery fee is 60 taka.
For S.A. Paribahan Courier Service our delivery fee is 100 taka.